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Rebate: Do you have a valid ABN Number with the same address? YesNo
Is the building is classified as commercial building? YesNo
If you leased the property, is the landlord agree to install solar? YesNo
Do you have valid tax return? YesNo
____ Choose Option____Deal 1Deal 2
Note: if all answers are Y, For PV system, you will be eligible for Victorian rebate with current value of 3500$ by installing solar panels and 3500$ interest free loan.
Please Choose the rebate application you prefer to apply ____ Choose Option____Lorem Ipsum Spit LosumLorem Ipsum Spit Losum
Solar rebatem YesNo
Interest free Loan YesNo
House type: ___Choose Option___Single storyDouble storyTriple story
Roof type: ___Choose Option___Cement TileTerracottaTinClip lock TinFlat Roof Tin
For flat roof only: would you like to tilt the panels: YesNo
Please enclose a picture:
Note: Tilting will improve the production and there must be a gap between each row.
Roof shape: Simple roof with straight linesSome broken partVery complicated
Is there a double story building at neighborhood? YesNo
Is there any tree around the house which may be higher than house? YesNo
Electricity usage:
Meter number
NMI Number
Please upload a copy of your bill
Do you have any plan to purchase high consumption appliances in the future? YesNo
Do you have any plan for an EV car in the future? YesNo
Please attach a photo of switchboard
Please explain where the meter and switchboard installed:
Please attach a photo of the wall around main switchboard and meter
Please choose your panel – from the product list ___Choose Option___Lorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
Please choose your inverter from the list ___Choose Option___Lorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
Please choose the battery form the list ___Choose Option___Lorem IpsumLorem Ipsum
Please include any expectation or explanation:
Please choose the best way of communication: ___Choose Option___EmailPhoneText Message
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Rebate: Is your household income more than 210K based on last year's tax return? Yes No
Have you received a Solar or battery rebate for this address after 2010? Yes No
Is your house value more than 3M based on rate notice? Yes No
Is the house under the name of a company or trust? Yes No
Note: If all answers are "No", for PV system, you will be eligible for a Victorian rebate with the current value of $1400 by installing solar panels and a $1400 interest-free loan. Or, also, battery interest-free loan with a value of $8800. You can get both rebates.
Please choose the rebate application you prefer to apply for:
Solar rebate: Yes No
Interest-free Loan: Yes No
Battery interest-free loan: Yes No
You may choose solar, battery, or both.
Would you like to get financing to make upfront $0? Yes No
House type: Single story Double story Triple story
Roof type: Cement Tile Terracotta Tin Clip-lock Tin Flat roof Tin
For flat roof only: would you like to tilt the panels? Yes No
Please enclose a picture of the roof if you can:
Roof shape: Simple roof with straight lines Some broken part Very complicated
Please enclose a picture if you can:
Is there a double-story building at the North, East, or West side of your house? Yes No
Is there any tree around the house which may be higher than the house? Yes No
Please upload a copy of your bill:
Do you have any plans to purchase high-consumption appliances in the future? Yes No
Do you have any plan for an EV car in the future? Yes No
Please attach a photo of the switchboard:
Please explain where the meter and switchboard are installed (internal / external):
Please attach a photo of the wall around the main switchboard and meter:
Please choose your panel brand: Brand 1 Brand 2
Please choose your inverter from the list: Inverter 1 Inverter 2
Please choose the battery from the list: Battery 1 Battery 2
Please choose the best way of communication: Email Phone Text Message
Please let us know if you prefer not to be contacted during working hours:
Your name
Your email
Product ID
Your message (optional)